ShalomGerusalemme 4

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Message to my 1st LOVE Israel: Bad Jews,that with falsehoods oppress and decimated a people that lies from ever in his land, converted or you are destined to hell, the power of the Antichrist, that of seigniorage banking of which you are complicit will be your ruin forever. What will redeem you and your children from these crimes? Although you manage to take the possession of worldwide, and there are almost succeeded, be you the real losers because you generate your children to damnation. Men by hard-cervix and by hard-hearted, fanatical rabbis racist and anti Christians: you always do the evil to Palestine that you have sullied and robbed with fraud and violence. You have no alternative, now is JHWH that through "lorenzojhwh" condemn you: will be trouble for you now: your curse now and forever. This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Amico "gzyyy6" questo ministero di "lorenzojhwh" non ha armi contro l'umiltà. La durezza di "lorenzojhwh" è per la vita di tutti i peccatori pentiti. Se sei da Dio non lo devi dimostrare a me! Sei sei un operatore di giustizia, tu abbi pace! Friend "gzyyy6" this ministry of "lorenzojhwh" has no weapons against humility. The hardness of "lorenzojhwh" is for life of all repentant sinners. If you are from God do not you'll need to show me! Are you are a trader of Justice, you have peace!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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________♥♥♥♥__________________♥♥♥♥ any comment
_____♥♥shalom♥♥♥_________♥salaam♥♥ of this channel
____♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥_____♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is as
_____♥♥ I love all the honest atheists ♥♥♥ the tab
______♥♥♥♥ I love u brothers in faith ♥♥ of a book
_________ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that God
_____________♥♥♥♥♥ALLAH♥♥♥♥ has written
_______________♥♥♥JHWH♥♥♥♥ The world was perfect
________________♥♥God♥♥♥ but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________♥♥♥♥♥ everything changed
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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To me "lorenzojhwh" because I was covered with Christ I have been also of his infinite perfection and for this reason you "TRUTH2012seeker" being in trouble with me now. You must know that God, when has give to someone the rights of representation his are being very bad moments for all cursed like you: that you are as a wolf transvestite lamb. As Elijah decided that all should have had the famine throughout the world, God ratified and confirmed the word of the his faith!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"666DeathxAngel666"said me:"Go to hell with all the other hypocrites preacher" -ANSWER-> but, if already are you with the devil you? Daughter, when I did sex with your mother, we had never just a"game" why did not exclude the possibility to be able to marry. We did not need Satan for to make sex. Not had needed of bring she on a tomb in the cemetery and to use the sex of she, in the middle of the group.This Satan that already has mandate too many lives to destruction without remedy, their corpses that have not had even the piety of a graveyard because they are finished in the sulfuric acid container. We are two universal symbols, that everyone can and must judge! How to let the others make their own choice?
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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God says through"lorenzojhwh"with lips that stammer and in a foreign language, to all JHWH will says: "behold, I put in Zion a cornerstone (Christ) who believes, you should not lose: 1- the right, already will be the justice. 2- the trial already will be the like a mower: earthquakes, giant hail, along with flood, will affect only the rebels.Will be canceled the your alliance with secret organizations, the your idols no longer be able to help as before. When will be passed the scourge will be trampled 3 times per day for Day after day the blows of God will be increasingly violent to hit rebels and they will be all terrified because themselves will be understand of to be damned. Now, cease to act with arrogance because a decree of destruction"lorenzojhwh"has heard about on you: God shows us what is admirable in his drawings of great wisdom! -Isaiah28 All that is in Satan, is deception, he is the father of lies! "Acquires wisdom and intelligence not forget and do not betray of God!"
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"JiMiHeNdRiX714" said: "I've eaten alot of friends and put people in sulferic acid"- ANSWER -> dear friend, when, the next time, you'll need to bring the your ugly face near the sulfuric acid you'll need to be more careful, why of the her face did not remain much. You must know that while the world goes to the loss, us that we are already of the Kingdom of God we are going: of life in life, of glory to glory, of joy in joy, because the riches in Christ that is given to us is infinite. In fact, while become older ye, we become young!
JiMiHeNdRiX714 (1 sett. fa)
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I've eaten alot of friends and put people in sulferic acid
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"shadow7death" said me:"I didn't read any of your garbage" - ANSWER -> But that spit brain, Satan has left to you for not being able to read a text so small? But if we look better, of the head of above, Satan has stolen throughout. And unfortunately, for the head of under we failed to find good news. You should know that all that is in the world is at a loss to the death while those who are in God, they go to life in exciting, dynamic and progressive. This is a victory overwhelming because Innocent Lamb has took all our evil and has gave us all his good inexhaustible wealth ** Crux Sancta Patris Benedictus \\ Crux Sancta Sit Mihi Lux \\ Non Draco Sit Mihi Dux \\ Vade Retro Satana \\ Nunquam Suade Mihi Vana \\ Sunt Mala Quae Libas \\ Ipse Veneno Bibas ** This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
shadow7death (1 sett. fa)
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I didn't read any of your fucking garbage. Too long. Quit messaging me.

zenitcaballeros (1 sett. fa)
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the römisch catholic curch and the vatikan and the believe is the true
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry, Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak, why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact, the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"ReinhardvonHolst" said: "Knowledge is not power..... APPLIED knowledge is power. You can be the most knowledgeable man on the planet and know everything but if you are stuck on a desert island with no way to use that knowledge all you can do is crack coconuts and fish. What we are doing is creating awareness and spreading the knowledge so that we, and others, can apply that knowledge to bring about a better future for all. PEACE [ ILLUMINATI & IT'S POWER OVER YOU WITH THE FREEMASONARY TO BRING IT ABOUT ]
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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UFOs are only military experiments: "serverchief" said:"Stop the media localization and buyouts;For example, the whole US and rest of the world was so consumed into the Swine Flu crap that 90% of people still dont know that Chrysler went bankrupt.The control of the media is a real power behind everything. "July4Patriot" said: "If you've taken the oath to defend the constitution, I ask that you honor it. If you haven't taken it, I ask that you do. In the last 6 months, the NWO has stepped up its assualt on the American people. Stand ready to make the decision to be a sheep or be free. Redistribution of this video, as always, is fully allowed"
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"Shutitup18" - said me: "9/11 was the saddest day in my life, and in the lives of everyone else that day. How do you think the terrorists will be punished since they can't be punished in this life? I'm not trying to say it in a cynical manner, I just wanted your opinion." --ANSWER--> ALARM "Shutitup18" the Japanese and Germans were not so naïve to want war against the United States! Your government has made the 11-09! "myselfrevealed" said to: " I agree, I watched the zeitgeist orientation movie the other day and as far as I am concern they left out something very the human race was to interact in this new world. It was quite clear that this new world vision has no soul......the author obviously doesn't understand that a soul recieve's its happiness by its participation in the positive progression of it's individual work. Zeitgeist takes individual participation away.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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God Bless You!!! will be blessed for ever "oceansplague" who said: "ur rite i will change my profile" --I had told to him long ago -->I can not judge a thing good or bad, because this is subjective! But you can do good or evil? the metal is good to you? But if you. As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism? io non posso giudicare una cosa bella o brutta, perché questo è soggettivo! Ma a te, può fare bene o male? il metal a te fa bene? Ma se si. Come tu puoi accettare gli stessi simboli e gli stessi contenuti del satanismo?
-->brother, now you have to raise the cross!

gzyyy6 (1 sett. fa)
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ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Who is Nicolò Bellia? A genius, scientist and philosopher: founder of antropocrazia! A true and living Mahatma Gandhi!
Nicolò Bellia is so good to believe that, one day, even the devil will become good! It has a simple solution to every problem without going against anybody. Nicolò Bellia is so good that if a thief goes from his home he calls him and says: "Brother, you forgot one thing of value that is in drawer!" He wants the "enlightened" still continue to print and sell to all of our money. When this old saint will die you will remain alone with "lorenzojhwh" which has no mercy even of himself?
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"opiekat138"asks me: "When you say Satanism, do you mean real satanism, the ideology, or devil worship? There is a big difference." --this was for him the immediate response-->Heavy, parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said: "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? Satanism is a crime! is the ideology of evil!In Satanism if you find something of good this is a deception!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry, Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak, why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact, the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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How can a man say: "I hate those people?" If good men and bad are sown everywhere equally, in each: 1 - Party 2 - nation 3 - religion. I lorenzojhwh I had and I still of perplexity about to all Muslim countries. But now that I became friends with: "yanlisnumaracanim" and "thecyman" and many other. Now, I look at all the Muslim countries with much hope. God have done all men as brothers for to love one another but own Freemasonry and seigniorage banking lead people to hatred for the wickedness of their corruption.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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If you exit out of the window, you'll see that the air became ill. Surely the wrath of God weighs above all the earth. Because he told me having never forgot every evil committed against the innocent. Me too if you do not know well the seigniorage banking and do not understand well all its consequences on the world. I would be very puzzled of my own messages.Woe to those who call good evil and evil good; who change darkness into light and light into darkness. Woe to those who believe shall be deemed wise and intelligent. Woe to those who carry gifts for a guilty and deprived of his right the innocent. Therefore, as a fire consumes the straw, so their roots will become a rotting because they have rejected the law of the Lord of Armies, have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah STOP: porno horror satanism Freemasonry spa ogm nwo
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[1/3 flee!]Says LORENZOJHWH: "let that the Satanists come to me! And not hinder them, for theirs is the kingdom of God, when the blood of Jesus has made to their hearts pure, pure as the hearts of innocent children!" Because you want a female dog, to share with others? What is better, a woman who loves only you, with small children so happy? In half to many witches and Satanists, how far you can still road do before dying? are many the your companions that you have put in the bin of sulfuric acid? What of your friends have you eaten? Those who have been killed perhaps have loved Satan less of you? Maybe they had less fear of being killed of that fear that you have you? Satan is frocio because he has lost the angelic body and now he has need of your body to show the his hatred in the our size. God believes that you are a victim and believes that guilty is only Satan for all the your crimes.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[2/3 flee!]Christ be very good: sits him on the kingdom and which is for return. Of who, you be became a servant? of King Risen or of the shadow of bankrupt?lorenzojhwh loves you, but run stronger you you can in the Holy Spirit that is in you/him. flee! flee! Your Creator loves you still and has prepared for you a road invisible on which flee. You now not can see it. But when he begins to run will become visible. For satanists, this road can not be see it! You are in too many to flee now! This is your moment! How old are you still of hate and terror? Now, with this exorcism you violate all your chains. Play this card! However, to die as a martyr for Christ is the greatest victory! St. Francis and St. Anthony failed their desire, did not have the privilege of martyrdom! But if you go with determination and intelligence, without thinking much, now,"lorenzojhwh" I promise you of save the your life in the name of Jesus.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[3/3 flee!] You have two days to write a very detailed report, to make 10 copies [] for delivery to the police and then for fled/escape in a convent where you have to stay for months in isolation Total. Even if your relationship will not be considered by the judiciary, But you, you have saved your life. What did was that Satan has not stolen to you? Who, in his ignorance, take to say something evil about lorenzojhwh a cruel disease takes hold of him! Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell! Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter. When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"Teravih" said me: "You have to be muslim to be saved from hellfire!!!" -- ANSWER -> You must be a big idiot like all those religious of other religions that like you have a brick instead of brain. YOU "Teravih" you make me angry for your ignorance which is not different from the ignorance of many Christians. In fact, when God said to Adam "and have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the earth" God had turned in exorcist every man because Adam was not a religious. No, friend, every man will be judged and saved for own his works of justice that enable him to be exorcist to irrespective by religion
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"amdarvon" said me: "Brother, thanks for all of your messages and the information that you are conveying. It is all very important and especially your heart. I can only say to "calm" it. That is your heart. I can see you have too many thoughts. That is good, but to try and let others' understand is not easy. Calm, Patient.Thank you." --ANSWER--> brother, my activity would not be possible if God not attack me and not overwhelm me with his insights. These do not come together. But, as I finished a message now comes another message in my mind. Who would be so stupid from suffocate a pulse of the Holy Spirit? Because I did not: sad, tired, demoralized and stressed out? Because I am so full of enthusiasm and joy? The Holy Spirit of God has placed in the heart of "lorenzojhwh" the sure that will be overcome any resistance of the enemy.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Mio caro e prezioso amico "magazzinho" Se zeitgheist non dicesse anche delle profonde verità, non sarebbe così micidiale quando fa delle calunnie! Nessuna religione e neanche "lorenzojhwh" deve dire: "io sono l'unica interprete della volontà di Dio!" Questo è un crimine, prima contro Dio stesso e poi contro tutto il genere umano. Questa è la premessa ideologica per il genocidio! La legittima prerogativa di ogni religione è quella di dare la autorevole interpretazione delle loro Sacre Scritture e di dedicarsi alla formazione e promozione umana. Dio è troppo grande per poter entrare totalmente nelle tasche di una religione! Chi ti sta imponendo un dogma a te? Fammelo conosce che gli faccio un culo a ciambella! ciao e buon appetito
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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1/2[EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110]Can you believe that the world may believe to Holy Scriptures? No, I tell you! The world has never bowed to the truth that can not hear! But, always have done great attention to the submission to justice of: Buddha, Gandhi, kennedy killed by seigniorage, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. ecc.. Indeed, one who have in him the greatest justice, has in him the greatest truth! This is why all he says "lorenzojhwh" must be believed by all! Who in the world today can attributed to him, the righteousness of "lorenzojhwh"? support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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2/2[EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110]Why, then own him, who loves everyone, must him be forced to prophesy in the name of Jesus against governments and to ruin of the rich mason powerful for defend all the peoples of the world? This is the truth: the 40 Jewish bankers of seigniorage through a secret masonic organization have already taken the political control of the whole world and without the intervention of God there is no remedy to all this crime. the Television is a perfect tool for prostitution and corruption, because it does not say never EXECUTIVE ORDER 11110 SIGNED BY JF KENNEDY ON 4 June 1963 and that will be the real reason for his death! support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Mio caro e prezioso amico "magazzinho" 1- quello che ha fatto S. Paolo prima della conversione ci riguarda, ma solo per dire quando può essere pericolosa una persona onesta che viene presa dal demone della religione. E quanto il demone della religione (1° nemico di Dio e dell'uomo) ha provocato la morte del Cristo. Tutte le aberrazioni del Cattolicesimo sono li e io non le voglio sminuire, anche perché il Santo pontefice Giovanni Paolo II ha chiesto perdono al mondo per tutti i crimini della Chiesa. Quella che in fondo noi non amiamo molto. Ma la Chiesa che ha inventato gli ospedali, le opere di assistenza, che ha protetto i popoli nei momenti più difficili, quella Chiesa di S. Francesco e S. Chiara, P.Pio, Madre Teresa, ecc.. quella la amiamo tutti! Ma mettere sempre in evidenza il "negativo umano" e nascondere il "POSITIVO DIVINO" di quale logica si mette al servizio?
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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La Chiesa non ha fatto violenza alla civiltà pagana precedente come i musulmani hanno fatto. Noi non abbiamo martiri pagani. Il paganesimo è stato sconfitto culturalmente e spiritualmente. Anzi grazie ai monasteri tutte le opere di grande valore letterario sono state ricopiate. Ma ti immagini tu "magazzinho" i monaci a ricopiare la letteratura pornografica di Orazio? Il fatto che la Chiesa ha fatto stermini gli stermini di massa, come la valutazione quantitativa e simbolica della inquisizione, trovano già alla fonte una distorsione ideologica che si completa quando il dato viene estrapolato dal contesto in cui è stato vissuto. Ma, sui propri errori a volte inconsapevoli, tutte le religioni, come ha già fatto il cristianesimo, si devono dissociare dalla organizzazione politica delle società. Questo sarà l'alibi parziale che le religioni troveranno di fronte alla storia per quanto riguarda la loro omertà di fronte al signoraggio bancario.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"magazzinho" dice:"la vergine è la costellazione dove nasce il sole prima del 25 dicembre 'annunciato' dallo allineamento delle 3 stelle chiamate i 3 re con la stella Sirio ciclo solare è un caso? una coincidenza?" -- answer-> Anche se molte affermazioni sono menzogne evidenti, tuttavia risulta molto oneroso confutarle perché sono richieste specifiche competenze. Ma io sono pratico, anche se fossero affermazioni vere nel significato loro attribuito, devi sapere che: "Cristo è il significato di tutte le cose - Tutto è stato fatto per Lui e in vista di Lui, quelle cose del cielo, come quelle cose della terra, tutte in Lui sussistono!" Pertanto, tutto trova un senso solo ponendo Cristo come centro della storia e dello universo. Difficile è stare dietro al fiume di calunnie che Satana sta vomitando contro il cristianesimo. Calunnie che trovano un facile attecchimento in chi come "magazzinho" ha la presunzione di essere una persona istruita.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[calunnie 1/3] Quando tu "magazzinho" non fai il "copia-incolla" viene fuori il tuo livello culturale:1) il desiderio del martirio è l'elemento che distingue un vero cristiano da uno ipocrita. S.Antonio e S.Francesco tentarono inutilmente il martirio perché è la VERA conformazione a Cristo. 2) San Paolo non ha sterminato e sgozzato nessuno, (Gesù lo ha impedito a lui) ma ha esercitato il suo diritto di "libertà di religione". 3) chi non vede la filosofia dietro ogni religione (anche pagana) è un idiota come tu sei "magazzinho"4) nel mondo greco romano la fede non era l'ultima cosa nella scala dei valori, infatti centinaia di migliaia di cristiani furono martirizzati. Lo stesso Paolo salvò la sua vita solo perché si fece prigioniero dei romani. 5) in particolare la metafisica del Verbo è il più alto grado della cultura che vedeva nella filosofia e nella teologia i pilasti degli studi che noi chiameremmo universitari.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[calunnie 2/3] Anche nelle trattorie si appassionavano su argomenti filosofici e vi era la scienza del persuadere chiamata eloquenza - retorica. Il fatto che lo Spirito Santo procedeva solo dal Padre è stato un "tormentone" popolare, prima di essere definito nel Concilio 6) S.Paolo cosi facendo ha introdotto il razzismo religioso? Se lo hai detto a me, non lo dire più a nessuno! Tutte le botte, le lapidazioni, le flagellazioni, gli attentati e il martirio che S.Paolo ha subito? Indicano forse un contesto sociale civilizzato e la nobiltà del paganesimo? O non piuttosto la dominazione satanica di tutte i governi e di tutte le religioni che usano la violenza? 7) la miseria e le menzogne di tutti quelli che odiano Cristo è troppo grande! Per il cristiano non ci sono mai state vergini da avere in Paradiso dove tutti sono come "gli angeli di Dio" segno di questo sono sempre state le virtù cristiane della verginità e della castità.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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[calunnie 3/3] 8) Costantino è l'esempio perfetto di quello che un governo dovrebbe essere nei confronti della religione, tolleranza, rispetto e distanza. Costantino, che non era cristiano, dichiarò solo la fine delle persecuzioni e non fece del cristianesimo la religione di Stato. Come amministratore del regno sostenne i Concili? Chi può negare che la religione è fondamentale per la concordia sociale? Questo è il motivo per cui proprio noi, essendo diventati molto poco religiosi stiamo disgregando la civiltà e la società intorno a noi. 9) il controllo sociale è il legittimo fine di ogni governo, questo diventa un crimine solo quando subdolamente e segretamente come avviene attraverso il signoraggio bancario, non è più un sistema che sostiene la sovranità dei popoli, ma che li tradisce. Vedi il maledetto New World Order. 10) il monoteismo è stata la prima ed efficace risposta al razzismo!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"opiekat138"asks me: "When you say Satanism, do you mean real satanism, the ideology, or devil worship? There is a big difference." --this was for him the immediate response-->Heavy, parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said: "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? Satanism is a crime! is the ideology of evil!In Satanism if you find something of good this is a deception!
UstasaBelgrade (1 sett. fa)
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shalom my brother
lorenzojhwh (1 sett. fa)
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Many do not understand what I say!Why?Freemasonry, Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power.These criminal organizations are organized in hierarchical pyramid. Only the vertices of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak, why only are in few can understand what I say? Because we have each day 400 human sacrifices in honor of Satan for control of the faculty intellectual and spiritual of every man. In fact, the Crime and theft of seigniorage banking is so great that if I try to explain I find closed the minds in all. Then for the love of God and for love of your children. you let who in the name of Jesus "lorenzojhwh" exorcises all of you and so you will be freed of thise nightmare. lorenzojhwh orders in the name of Jesus that every soul impure:jealousy deceit family perversion depression prostitution illness deaf mute fear antichrist pride slavery blindness: go! begone Satan pax Amen Alleluia
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Because many do not understand what I say? Freemasonry, Satanism and banks are linked to seigniorage banking from which they receive great power. These criminal organizations are organized pyramid and are hierarchical that only the vertices
of these organizations know the real their purposes. When I speak, why only in few can understand what I say

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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by "zenitcaballeros" NON NOBIS DOMINE NON NOBIS NOMINI SET TOU DA GLORIAM Vater unser der du bist im Himmerl geheilt werde dein Name dein Reich komme wie im Himmel so auch auf Erden vergib uns unsre schuld wie auch wr vergeben unsere schuldigern verfühe uns nicht im versuchung sondrn erlöse uns vom den bösen den dein ist das Reich und die Kraft in Herlichkeit in Ewigkeit Amen JESUS CHRISTUS UNSER HIRTE DU BIST DAS LICHT UND DIE WAHRHEIT KEIENR KOMMT ZUM VATER ALS NUR DUCH DICH AMEN
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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How can a man say: "I hate those people?" If good men and bad are sown everywhere equally, in each: 1 - Party 2 - nation 3 - religion. I lorenzojhwh I had and I still of perplexity about to all Muslim countries. But now that I became friends with: "yanlisnumaracanim" and "thecyman" and many other. Now, I look at all the Muslim countries with much hope. God have done all men as brothers for to love one another but own Freemasonry and seigniorage banking lead people to hatred for the wickedness of their corruption.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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INTRODUCTION --> thanks for the invite mate.. which such strong ideals burn in your noble heart? any comment of my 3 channels is as a book with love for all people and for each religion a protection against the Satanism of seigniorage banking. You can not understand the danger of the present moment if not please all of the post Channel Why is the first obstacle to be removed for all is spiritual (secondarily intellectual) Please! You do not have to rush out immediately. I am sure it will be the best investment of your life "lorenzojhwh" "humanumgenus" "ShalomGerusalemme" God bless you! Spread this SOS! I do not succeed to communicate myscientific articles to all of you so you return every day to read their between the comments my channels. Do not let without this Strategic Information. Thank you for accepting my invite. I wish you peace, health, happiness and prosperity. Knowledge is our power. Our ignorance is their power.HP
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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AUTENTICITÀ della BIBBIA: Tutti i papiri e le pergamene più antichi, recuperati dagli archeologi, che riguardano il Nuovo Testamento partono dal 70 d.C. Nessuno di questi frammenti o testi si contraddice mai! Anzi possiamo affermare che si tratta di copie perfette. Tutti i libri Biblici hanno la stessa caratteristica. Gli agiografi avevano un sacro terrore a modificare, riassumere o sintetizzare la Parola di Dio (tentazione economicamente e logicamente rilevante) che a noi sono giunte due narrazioni diverse della creazione, e diversi racconti multipli, perché la comunità ebraica non ha visto in essi dei doppioni, ma un messaggio irripetibile su stesso soggetto. I libri del pentateuco (genesi esodo levitico numeri e deuteronomio) nella struttura portano quattro tradizioni diverse, ma i sacerdoti di Gerusalemme che le hanno assemblate hanno avuto il sacro terrore di modificare: STRAORDINARIO!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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The Holy Shroud is a fake historical medieval and yet, his image has a supernatural origin (esoteric) and accurately reported the true image of Jesus of Nazareth called the Christ. This is a digital image with very high resolution not yet fully visible from our current digital technology. This image is composed almost from billions of faces of damned souls and contains itself all the major biblical stories. That emotion when you see yourself watching billions of damned souls, See te watched by billions of damned souls, not put a little shiver behind the your back? Also the Santa Anna Katharina Emmerick, that with his visions has allowed the discovery of the house of St. Mary in Ephesus, she would say this []
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Who is Nicolò Bellia? A genius, scientist and philosopher: founder of antropocrazia! A true and living Mahatma Gandhi!
Nicolò Bellia is so good to believe that, one day, even the devil will become good! It has a simple solution to every problem without going against anybody. Nicolò Bellia is so good that if a thief goes from his home he calls him and says: "Brother, you forgot one thing of value that is in drawer!" He wants the "enlightened" still continue to print and sell to all of our money. When this old saint will die you will remain alone with "lorenzojhwh" which has no mercy even of himself?
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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a girl said to me: Godbless you too!m8 he who is without sin, let him cast the first stone, dont beat yourself up, man alive you are the most honest person I have ever had a message from,,Thru you God will show himself to many!!&I truly believe souls will be won!, May God please take away your burden&replace it with his peace & love!Brother we all sin&fall short of the glory of God,,but he forgives us(thank good ness hahaha) m8 i am no angel & I think you must be a wonderful human yr past is that (PAST) man alive ive done some bad crap in my life too lol, peace brother peace God forgave you&me when Jesus died xxtootsxx
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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1/2 GENOME: the demonstration scientific of creation! The genome is the genetic sequence universal of each cellule and tells of all the biological life of our planet. So also the cell of a leaf have the genetic code of the dinosaur as also have the genetic code that is of the man. Then the genome is full, full, full of dead genes that are deactivated (pseudo-genes). A very small size of the genome is alive and is these that make the difference among all the different forms of the living. But this is own the demonstration scientific of creation! support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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2/2 GENOME: the demonstration scientific of creation! So that 10,000 years ago, the genome has been activated always selectively For each species, therefore all the chains of DNA unusable have become pseudo-genes. Many scientists are criminals because they say that the theory of evolution is proven! They continue to deny the "intelligent design" that does not preclude the evolution, all this is because that the academic world is prisoner of the ideology, Masonic and satanic of the tecnofinanza. support this strategic ministry of "lorenzojhwh" This IS a VERY BAD TIME for all REBELS iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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yanlisnumaracanim said : "freemasonry exists here in my country widely like any other country...they have access to nearly everything...freemasons control economics,politics,military and they orchestrate wars to secure their power...but hope never long as there are people with minds seeking for answers there will be hope as well..and i assure you my day that hope will overwhelm the greed and humankind will be free...i think this is the challenge God wants us to endure...those who cleanse their soul from greed are those who are close to God and that makes them experience heaven on earth.. "yanlisnumaracanim" said: "i beg your pardon? judging from your channel info we have things in commong..freemasonry is cancer of the world exploiting all its noble citizens,all the human beings regardless their beliefs...

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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"lorenzojhwh"tells in the name of JesusJHWH and for the destruction of Satanic symbols SpA Freemasonry political seigniorage banking:1fire in soul 2food is harmful 3dishonor shame diseases Divorce 4depression obsessions infestation 5a cloak of lead on the soul Woe to you who now you are in the wrong place and wrong time. Elijah is back and you'll need to get off with him the river Kison where you will be executed: drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! I impose to you to leave the human race! Go to bottom prisoner beast in your hell!Blessed now the friends of God and all men honest and industrious! Blessed are the poor and all the works of justice!TALITAKUMI Resurrect humanity all from your shame!I order every spirit: antichrist pride slavery blindness:GO! Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? Seem sweet temptations but they have claws to rip the soul CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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7/7 Rafiq, I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself.- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans, and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today, that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? hole 3 m that leaves glass of windows intact? All of the metal that is Giambo vaporized? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Dio dimora nella lode! La lode rivela la potenza e gloria di JHWH!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
God dwells in praise! Praise be the power and glory of JHWH! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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CherishTheChildren said:"Dear Brother I belive fully on the WORD and the sacred scriptures indeed its my greatest weapon against the demons . My faith is not ridiculed nor do I accept this new movement trying to deface Christ and the word ,,we knew it be coming but IAM ready and can only hope others are too ..The Power of GOD Love and the Power og GODs Light watch over you
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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1/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> EGYPT: Sabri Shihata, a Coptic Christian of 25 years, was sprinkled with gasoline and burnt alive by Yasir Ahmed Qasim Muslim which suspected the boy was boyfriend with her sister. Sabri Shihata is died, but also the father of him was killed and immediately stabbed Islamic extremists have tried to kill the little brother Rami.The Egyptian police have arrested the murders
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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2/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->Kazakhstan: Elizaveta Drenicheva, a sister missionary was imprisoned and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment, because its teachings on the original sin have been judged a criminal offense by Government. The case had raised the attention of several groups Human Rights and of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Of which own the Kazakhstan should take the Presidency in 2010. For these reasons Elizaveta Drenicheva have she done only 3 months in prison
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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3/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> SAUDI ARABIA: Fr George Joshua, an Indian Catholic priest was arrested and jailed in Saudi Arabia where Jesus Christ is considered a criminal. Expelled after many ill-treatment. Fr George Joshua, He founded a group of intercession and prayer to free from Satan that country's Islamic and is given also of the Islam the dignity it deserves, through freedom of religion for all. His prayer group is composed of 500 persons They pray constantly 24 hours a day,
for world peace, for the happiness of all the Saudis and for the health of Saudi King Abdallah
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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4/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->INDIA: genocide with the blessing of the government satanic! Pastor Raju Indian Geesala to took a trip for the Australia for to ask help for the humanitarian catastrophe occurred in India in the State of Orissa where from August 2008 Hindu extremists are free of to hunting the Christians as is will the hunting for the animals. 16,000 Christians have been killed! 650 churches burnt! thousands of Christians hiding in the jungle like animals. Tragedies of impossible description!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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5/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->United Kingdom a Christian minister who leads a broadcast of London was brutally beaten threatened with death and robbed. After you have had, during transmission, a heated discussion with representatives from Islamic. On the streets they said: "If you go back, at the recording studio, we will break the your legs"
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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6/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->MAGDI CRISTIANO ALLAM Thank you Jesus for my conversion from Islam to Catholicism [made impossible in the Islamic nations]ed. Mondadori Milano 2008 SAID: "the Christianity exactly the opposite of Islam... I like San Cristiano because as he, I believe deeply in association between the testimony of faith and the freedom of choice. This fascinates me and convinced me of truth and of the superiority of Christianity, To which I had the good fortune and to have been able to join voluntarily, responsibly and safely

ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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7/7 JHWH=Allah: said"There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" - ANSWER-> I Rafiq, I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself. -- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans, and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today, that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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by "love love light kathy" -- ANSWER-> Want to see and hear the demons (as has happened to me 20 years ago, When I threatened all them, in the name of Jesus and are not to see more) to be able to believe in their existence? But you believe in God and believe in the Holy Scriptures, yet these often speak of the demons! Who then has cursed so much your faith? Who you has ridiculed the worth of Sacred Scriptures?
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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2 Peter 1:17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Acts 4:12 - Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given for which we must be saved.
Philippians 2:9,10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Romans 10:9,10 - That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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200,000 human sacrifices murders committed annually by the Church of Satan can not never find a guilty. As can be seen the institutional Satanism if the bank seigniorage makes him invisible? If the peoples of the world are betrayed by their governments because does not know the origin of money? How can they be defended the peoples from all the many criminal organizations that seigniorage makes invisible? How faith can remain Worldwide if all the religions of the world are hypnotized together with their people? Every sin can be forgiven and all evil can be overcome, but not to oppose the seigniorage means to imprison the men with the laws of predation and abandon their to disordered instincts. Are incompantible the secret societies: Freemasonry and Satanism with the rule of law. stop: metal horror porno ufo OGM NWO S.p.A + you have to find God in all your victory!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Dove credi di stare a casa tua, dove siete abituati a tale vergognoso linguaggio? 1- impara la educazione! 2- Piero Angela sbriciola l'oroscopo dimostrando la esistenza di 14 costellazioni, e lo spostamento ciclico dell'asse terreste fa spostare a sua volta, l'orientamento di due costellazioni rendendo ridicolo l'oroscopo. 3- Dionigi "il Piccolo" ha sbagliato involontariamente e tu lo vuoi uccidere? Bhe è già morto! Mi dispiace per quel ciuccione, come te, di Geitgeist ma Gesù è nato il 4,5 a.C. 4- sono stato bloccato e non posso rispondere al tuo commento su Questa è vera delinquenza di "Trickyre" che poteva cancellare il mio articolo, invece di impedirmi di rispondere! Comunque tu confondi la astrologia con l'astronomia di cui gli antichi si "servivano per vivere". Prima di dare dell'ignorante ad uno storico e a un teologo "magazzinho" dalla tua alta cattedra delle pecore pensaci!
ShalomGerusalemme (1 sett. fa)
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Non rimuovere questo commento o il Signore rimuoverà te, dal libro della vita! Infatti, ogni peccato può essere perdonato e ogni male superato, ma opporsi al messaggio della salvezza, significa negare agli uomini la speranza e costringerli alla schiavitù del signoraggio bancario e del mondo animale, delle leggi della predazione e degli istinti disordinati. Parlo con fiducia alle vittime del peccato, che il Signore mi ha promesso di salvare. Stop pornografia, satanismo!
TheCyMan (1 sett. fa)
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Thank you my friend for writing me God bless, right now I have a project due at Edwards in Kern County up north so I will be busy. I noticed some of your posts, do you know those people for real? When people get into trouble in Muslim countries I have been able to get them out of trouble when I appeal for them, if they did NOT commit a violent crime I am successful many times!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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________♥♥♥♥__________________♥♥♥♥ any comment
_____♥♥shalom♥♥♥_________♥salaam♥♥ of this channel
____♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥_____♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is as
_____♥♥ I love all the honest atheists ♥♥♥ the tab
______♥♥♥♥ I love u brothers in faith ♥♥ of a book
_________ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that God
_____________♥♥♥♥♥ALLAH♥♥♥♥ has written
_______________♥♥♥JHWH♥♥♥♥ The world was perfect
________________♥♥God♥♥♥ but when Adam decided to become a Satanist
_________________♥♥♥♥♥ everything changed
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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+++stop+seigniorage banking+Freemasonry+++++++
+++stop+heresy of modernism+OGM+NWO+S.p.A+++++++
+++YES national self-determination++++++++++++++++++++
Everything that breathes is precious to God and God will do everything possible to save
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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[1/3 leave Satanism] The Satanists have the same qualities of the saints also they are selfish and ambitious. 2 examples: 1) St. Peter said to Jesus: "What we have in reward What we gain to have left our business and for we have followed to you?" Jesus was not sorry but said: "100 times so very of more of 100 times of all that you have left and after life eternal" Here, as the Kingdom of God also on earth appears extraordinarily rich of each wealth desirable. 2) St. Francis of Assisi was very very rich and educated because he sang in French, it was his ambition that did say to him, in its incredible suffering: "is all the well expect that to receive in the Kingdom of God that all suffering I feel today by me great joy and consolation".

ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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[2/3 leave Satanism] Of St. Francis of Assisi with Satan can not be own talk because gets angry a lot Indeed San Francesco took the throne him that was left empty and who had when called Lucifer in Paradise! The Church through the heresy of modernism has betrayed these lessons and own this is the reason for where the young ambitious become Satanists. Own because fail to know a wealth higher. Only those who is very ambitious address suffering and sacrifices for reach its purpose. Even lorenzojhwh has its purpose that justifies for him its sacrifices. How to escape from institutional Satanism? Do you believe in me! Demons and Satan can not read in your thoughts. But may interpret the Your emotions and the tue intentions through the movements of body!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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[3/3 leave Satanism] But if do not speak not write and six "cold" impassive their can not enter in your mind. Take the cell disable ringtone and vibration and put above a train going to a state foreign. If you have a mobile phone with you will find yourself immediately. You, Refugees in a prison or in a police station Police. From that moment you have only 2 days to put on paper all the Your memories. Then you call: 2 priests, 2 relatives, 2 lawyers, 1 notary. None of these 7 people need to know Who are the others. Then go abroad in a convent lonely to reconstruct your personality. All other things God will in person to them and to organize you not lose your life! However life in this world is not the most important thing! Satan is a failed without hope Better to die for Christ!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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2 Peter 1:17For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased."
Acts 4:12 - Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given for which we must be saved.
Philippians 2:9,10 - That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Romans 10:9,10 - That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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by "love love light kathy" -- ANSWER-> Want to see and hear the demons (as has happened to me 20 years ago, When I threatened all them, in the name of Jesus and are not to see more) to be able to believe in their existence? But you believe in God and believe in the Holy Scriptures, yet these often speak of the demons! Who then has cursed so much your faith? Who you has ridiculed the worth of Sacred Scriptures?
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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1/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> EGYPT: Sabri Shihata, a Coptic Christian of 25 years, was sprinkled with gasoline and burnt alive by Yasir Ahmed Qasim Muslim which suspected the boy was boyfriend with her sister. Sabri Shihata is died, but also the father of him was killed and immediately stabbed Islamic extremists have tried to kill the little brother Rami.The Egyptian police have arrested the murders
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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2/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->Kazakhstan: Elizaveta Drenicheva, a sister missionary was imprisoned and was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment, because its teachings on the original sin have been judged a criminal offense by Government. The case had raised the attention of several groups Human Rights and of OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) Of which own the Kazakhstan should take the Presidency in 2010. For these reasons Elizaveta Drenicheva have she done only 3 months in prison
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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3/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER-> SAUDI ARABIA: Fr George Joshua, an Indian Catholic priest was arrested and jailed in Saudi Arabia where Jesus Christ is considered a criminal. Expelled after many ill-treatment. Fr George Joshua, He founded a group of intercession and prayer to free from Satan that country's Islamic and is given also of the Islam the dignity it deserves, through freedom of religion for all. His prayer group is composed of 500 persons They pray constantly 24 hours a day,
for world peace, for the happiness of all the Saudis and for the health of Saudi King Abdallah
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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4/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->INDIA: genocide with the blessing of the government satanic! Pastor Raju Indian Geesala to took a trip for the Australia for to ask help for the humanitarian catastrophe occurred in India in the State of Orissa where from August 2008 Hindu extremists are free of to hunting the Christians as is will the hunting for the animals. 16,000 Christians have been killed! 650 churches burnt! thousands of Christians hiding in the jungle like animals. Tragedies of impossible description!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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5/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->United Kingdom a Christian minister who leads a broadcast of London was brutally beaten threatened with death and robbed. After you have had, during transmission, a heated discussion with representatives from Islamic. On the streets they said: "If you go back, at the recording studio, we will break the your legs"
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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6/7 JHWH=Allah: "There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" [NEW] -- ANSWER->MAGDI CRISTIANO ALLAM Thank you Jesus for my conversion from Islam to Catholicism [made impossible in the Islamic nations]ed. Mondadori Milano 2008 SAID: "the Christianity exactly the opposite of Islam... I like San Cristiano because as he, I believe deeply in association between the testimony of faith and the freedom of choice. This fascinates me and convinced me of truth and of the superiority of Christianity, To which I had the good fortune and to have been able to join voluntarily, responsibly and safely

ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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7/7 JHWH=Allah: said"There is nothing secret that will not be a day known by all!" - ANSWER-> I Rafiq, I read 2 hours the Bible and 1 hours the Koran (I know best) every day. Bin Laden that I met personally taught me to become a criminal. Indeed have killed so many innocent people that I am ashamed of having been with them and I am ashamed of myself. -- ANSWER- of "lorenzojhwh"-> Bin Laden is complicit with the Americans, and is protected by their because without the invention of terrorism how could they keep the war in the world? Who does not know today, that knocking down the twin towers were the Satanists Americans? In what "little ass hole" was swallowed and disintegrated a Giambo against the Pentagon? What Satanists have eaten the crew? How many days Satanists have used to eat the whole crew? The industry and the economy of Americans is being supported by continuing a war provoked by deception of always!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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In metal As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism that many young people corrupt? Son of the Devil, among witches and Satanists Think how far you you can do road yet before arriving at the cemetery? What? maybe "lorenzojhwh" has created you with eternal infinite and moving love? Maybe that "lorenzojhwh" he killed his only begotten to save your dirty and damn life? "lorenzojhwh" will you one and immediate glow if you Do not delete now all the shameful Video that have here among young children iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! every religion is the demonstration the inexhaustible riches of God. All religions together demonstrate the wealth of God. No to syncretism! No New Age! Do you like lamb of god? spread between the Satanists
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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200,000 human sacrifices murders committed annually by the Church of Satan can not never find a guilty. As can be seen the institutional Satanism if the bank seigniorage makes him invisible? If the peoples of the world are betrayed by their governments because does not know the origin of money? How can they be defended the peoples from all the many criminal organizations that seigniorage makes invisible? How faith can remain Worldwide if all the religions of the world are hypnotized together with their people? Every sin can be forgiven and all evil can be overcome, but not to oppose the seigniorage means to imprison the men with the laws of predation and abandon their to disordered instincts. Are incompantible the secret societies: Freemasonry and Satanism with the rule of law. stop: metal horror porno ufo OGM NWO S.p.A + you have to find God in all your victory!
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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Grazie per la tua preghiera su di me, che Dio la esaudisca ed io abbia una migliore capacità di padroneggiare l'inglese! Thank you for your prayers in my favor, that God hears and I have better to master the English!
BreshiBaraElohim (2 sett. fa)
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Sorry, I am having trouble understanding you.
May the LORD bless you with better communication skills.
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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"simpleboy1234" Dear brother You are dear to God and He is glorified in you! --ANSWER--> 1) Are religious, all those that follow a religion, also weakly. 2) God first looks to works of justice that you do and also to the fact that go to church 3) The Church the sacraments and prayer are before a our need and then a our duty CONCLUDING The CHURCH the prayer and especially the daily reading of the Bible are indispensable not to be overwhelmed by Satan. If the priest you are not sympathetic EXCHANGE So with all THIS prostitution and Satanism in our company as is possible survive?
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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Onestamente, caro "NicholasPOGM" Io non credo che il Papa sia l'anticristo. Ma qualcosa di terribile deve essere successo nel mondo se anche la Chiesa non riesce a parlare di signoraggio bancario e della congiura ebraico massonico chiamato NWO ma non si trova neanche un giornalista che in televisione ne vuole parlare. Evidentemente, questo è già il governo che opera nel mondo e porta al satanismo e alla distruzione di quello che resta della civiltà cristiana. Honestly, dear "NicholasPOGM" I do not believe that the Pope is the Antichrist. But something terrible must have happened in the world If the Church can not speak of seigniorage banking and of the Jewish Masonic conspiracy called NWO which in truth is so under the eyes of all but is not even a television journalist who wants to talk Obviously, this is already the government that operates in the world and leads to Satanism and to destruction what remains of Christian civilization.
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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+++the wrath of God is a fire that devours
+++and burns without consuming
+++is a total desperation
+++is a cry forever
+++a devastation
witch "xxLivingxDeadxDollx1" I have heard your desperate cries from the depths abyss The lamb that confidence to wolf Instead of giving confidence the Good Shepherd you like the name? with Jesus now the road is uphill But forever will be down and very proud! If you call the positive with the name of negative what hope can remain on you? What is 100 years in the face of eternity? I was told:"who is opposed to "lorenzojhwh" quickly consumes his evil life"
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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In metal As you can accept the same symbols and the same content of Satanism that many young people corrupt? Son of the Devil, among witches and Satanists Think how far you you can do road yet before arriving at the cemetery? What? maybe "lorenzojhwh" has created you with eternal infinite and moving love? Maybe that "lorenzojhwh" he killed his only begotten to save your dirty and damn life? "lorenzojhwh" will you one and immediate glow if you Do not delete now all the shameful Video that have here among young children iban: IT 33 E 03589 01600 010570347584 not deductible Terror takes possession of the sons of darkness. God has dedicated to the slaughter When your carrion is dissolved what remains? CSPBCSSMLNDSMDV RSNSMVSMQLIVB drink your poisons made by yourself. Stop Satan! Go! every religion is the demonstration the inexhaustible riches of God. All religions together demonstrate the wealth of God. No to syncretism! No New Age! Do you like lamb of god?
ShalomGerusalemme (2 sett. fa)
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Heavy, parasitical and bad is the tree? Are totally poisonous all its fruits! You are more worried by the bad luck that has already being Satan? Or you are worried about your bad luck? Those who now have regrets the terrible fate of Satan who are they? "krav1ngfish" you among the witches and Satanists how far you can do before getting to the cemetery?"halo1mastr" said: "respect others what u need to learn" -- ANSWER--> to satanic rituals and eating people? بين حرية الدين مقدس ويجب أن تحترم حتى لو كان المبتدع! الله وحده يعلم كيف يدافع عن نفسه! ولكن أعمال العنف في الدين لن يغفر -La libertà di religione è sacra è deve essere rispettata anche se è eretico! Dio sa bene come difendere se stesso! Ma la violenza in religione non sarà mai perdonata! Ma il satanismo non è una religione perché è un crimine! ولكن ليست Satanism الدين
انها جريمة

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica