666, G7, 322, contro Mosca GOLPE senza pudore

Il 666, G7, 322, contro Mosca. tutte le menzogne e le minacce di un Occidente senza il senso del pudore! "L'annessione della Crimea è una minaccia".

[ i massoni europei hanno deciso di realizzare la guerra mondiale, perché hanno fatto il golpe ed impediscono al popolo ucraino di andare a votare.. sono loro che hanno messo in pericolo la struttura difensiva della Russia e non viceversa] Al Bundestag, "è una sfida che dobbiamo affrontare". 13 marzo, Ucraina: Merkel, periodo con fiato sospeso #BERLINO, "Temo che, vivremo un lungo periodo con il fiato sospeso. Ma è una sfida che dobbiamo affrontare": lo ha detto Angela Merkel parlando al Bundestag. "In gioco c'è il rispetto dei principi della Nazioni Unite", ha aggiunto.

Ucraina: se sanzioni Russia risponderà

Nuove esercitazioni militari russe vicino confini con Ucraina

13 marzo, 12:27 [ Quindi è la CIA che ha fatto il golpe in Ucraina se FBI, indaga su tutto ma, non su chi ha pagato i cecchini che hanno ucciso le persone! ] Arrestato oligarca vicino a Ianukovich. A Vienna, nell'ambito di un'inchiesta dell'FBI. 13 marzo, Arrestato oligarca vicino a Ianukovich #VIENNA, E' stato arrestato nella notte a Vienna l'oligarca ucraino Dmitry Firtash, vicino al presidente Viktor Ianukovich. Lo ha annunciato l'agenzia di stampa austriaca APA. La polizia ha spiegato che l'arresto è avvenuto nell'ambito di un'indagine dell'FBI. Rogozin: bisogna creare "le misure di risposta" all'Occidente

Il vice primo ministro Dmitry Rogozin giovedi ha deciso di riunire i capi di importanti gruppi industriali del Paese per progettare le misure di risposta ai Paesi occidentali che minacciano la Russia di sanzioni economiche, ha scritto il politico nel suo microblog su Twitter.

"Per superare le possibili sanzioni dell'Occidente e sviluppare risposte oggi si riunisco i capi di importanti gruppi industriali", si dice nel comunicato.

In precedenza Rogozin ha dichiarato la necessità di un ri-armamento dell'esercito russo alla luce delle minacce degli Stati Uniti e della NATO.

Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_03_13/Rogozin-bisogna-creare-le-misure-di-risposta-allOccidente-7804/

Mo: Kerry, sospetti da entrambe le parti. Accordo "difficile ma possibile"

13 marzo, 10:31 [ sospetti? la sharia è il genocidio del genere umano. è il vero terrorismo dei Boko Haram e di tutti i maleddedetti assassini seriali sotto gida Onu Amnesty. se non rinunciano alla sharia?, devono essere sterminati! ]

Mo: Gaza, razzo esplode in area Ashqelon. Ban Ki-moon condanna "con forza" lancio razzi. 13 marzo, #TEL AVIV, (ipocrita Ban Ki-Moon, lui deve condannare la sharia, che arma la mano omicida, saudita, in tutto il mondo! ) Un razzo lanciato da Gaza è esploso nell'area di Ashqelon, dove poco fa sono risuonate le sirene di allarme. Non è chiaro al momento - riportano i media - se sia caduto in un'area aperta o in una residenziale. Il segretario generale dell'Onu Ban Ki-moon ha condannato oggi "con forza" i razzi lanciati dalla Striscia contro Israele che hanno provocato la reazione dell'Esercito dello Stato ebraico.

La notte di giovedì gli aerei militari israeliani hanno colpito alcuni bersagli nella Striscia di Gaza in risposta al bombardamento massiccio del suo territorio da parte dei palestinesi, comunicano i media arabi, riferendosi ai testimoni palestinesi.

Sono state colpite le basi dell'ala armata dell'organizzazione Jihad islamica palestinese, che ha rivendicato l'attacco missilistico dell'Israele.

Ieri il Premier israeliano Benjamin Netanyahu ha dichiarato che Israele reagirà "in modo molto deciso" all'attacco.

Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_03_13/Israele-ha-attaccato-Gaza-via-aria-4721/

sarà un altro christian Dhimmi, condannato a morire dall'ONU Amnesty, LEGA ARABA merda, senza libertà di Religione, merda, sistema massonico Bildenberg, per realizzare la UMMA imperialismo sharia nazi. [ il destino che aspettava quel ragazzo in Pakistan? era comunque la morte! ]. Ruba pistola a poliziotto e si suicida davanti Questura. Afghano di 21 anni, doveva rinnovare permesso soggiorno. 12 marzo, Agenti di polizia all'esterno della Questura dove un giovane afghano di 21 anni ha rubato la pistola ad un poliziotto, e si e' sparato in testa. Ruba pistola a poliziotto e si suicida davanti Questura

(di Francesco De Filippo) #TRIESTE, Si è avvicinato a un poliziotto lasciando il proprio posto in fila nell'affollato atrio della Questura, gli ha sottratto la pistola, lo ha spinto facendolo cadere e, prima di scappare, gli avrebbe rivolto contro l'arma. Poi è fuggito, tra la gente spaventata, inseguito da un ispettore. Fatti pochi metri, ha messo il colpo in canna ed ha sparato, prima contro una chiesa poi alla propria testa. E' morto in serata all'ospedale di Cattinara, dove era ricoverato. Protagonista della vicenda è un giovane afghano di 21 anni, forse affetto da squilibri psichici. Solo dai filmati delle telecamere di sicurezza si potrà capire se il giovane ha puntato la pistola contro i due poliziotti, ed eventualmente capire se intendeva sparare ma lo ha fermato il fatto che fosse innestata la sicura. Ma si tratta di un elemento secondario nella vicenda, che dovrà essere approfondito dagli investigatori. I quali dovranno sentire anche l'agente al quale è stata sottratta la pistola, che è stato portato in ospedale per leggere contusioni. La vicenda ha sconvolto la città giuliana. Il giovane afghano era stato preso in carico dal Consorzio Italiano di Solidarietà di Trieste dopo che era stato rintracciato in strada, in ottobre. Aveva chiesto asilo, ottenendo un permesso di soggiorno per motivi umanitari, scaduto ieri. Per questo oggi è andato in Questura, voleva chiederne il rinnovo. Qualcosa, però, è scattato nella sua mente, forse già da giorni in uno stato di eccitazione, secondo quanto si è appreso. E da accertamenti risulta che avesse già manifestato intenti suicidi. ''Un dramma della disperazione'', lo ha definito il questore, Giuseppe Padulano, che "poteva avere ripercussioni ben peggiori perché in quel momento nell'atrio e nei pressi della Questura c'erano molte persone''. Padulano ha lodato gli agenti: ''Si sono subito resi conto, con sangue freddo, che non potevano intervenire con le armi da fuoco proprio a causa della folla''. Certo, il ragazzo conosce l'uso delle armi: alla fine della corsa ha tolto la sicura ed ha scarrellato mettendo il colpo in canna. Un'operazione che, in un momento di grande concitazione, non è così automatica. Anche in questo caso, c'è un aspetto sociologico inquietante: un video completo di quanto avvenuto sarebbe stato girato con un telefono cellulare da un testimone che l'avrebbe caricato su Facebook.

[tutta la follia di una religione imperialistica per la conquista del mondo attraverso lo strumento del genocidio sotto egida ONU Farisei Amnesty Bildenberg USA UE, massoni satanisti di merda! ] Afghanistan: uccisi 3 attivisti politici. Erano sostenitori del candidato presidenziale Abdullah Abdullah.

Gaza: assassino terrorista Abu Mazen, dice: " stop escalation militare!" ma, questo è nei fatti sono i terroristi che si devono fermare di aggredire Israele, con strumenti sempre più moderni e sofisticati. 13 marzo, #RAMALLAH, Il presidente palestinese Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) ha esortato oggi Israele a fermare "l'escalation militare contro la Striscia di Gaza assediata": lo ha detto il suo portavoce citato dall'agenzia ufficiale palestinese Wafa.

12 marzo 2014, [ tutte le vittime dei cecchini Bush 322 Kerry ]

Negli ospedali di Kiev ancora 173 ricoverati dopo gli scontri a Maidan

Oltre 170 feriti a seguito degli scontri a Kiev rimangono ricoverati negli ospedali della capitale ucraina, riferisce oggi il ministero della Salute del Paese.

"Dai luoghi dove sono avvenuti gli scontri nel centro di Kiev si erano rivolti alle squadre di assistenza medica e agli ospedali pubblici 1.241 feriti, 812 dei quali erano stati ricoverati in ospedale. Sino ad oggi 12 marzo 2014 si trovano ancora ricoverati nelle strutture sanitarie della capitale 173 persone," - si legge nel rapporto.

[ il potere della mediazione, contro, il potere della congiura internazionale, il monopolio massonico delle NetWork TV satellite, un solo universo di bugie a senso unico] 12 marzo 2014, Il presidente del Venezuela Maduro diventa conduttore radiofonico.

Il capo di Stato del Venezuela ora conduce un programma radiofonico chiamato "In contatto con Maduro." La prima trasmissione è avvenuta ieri.

Secondo le idee del presidente, il nuovo format di comunicazione con i cittadini del Venezuela permetterà di discutere dei problemi urgenti del Paese, di rispondere rapidamente alle critiche dell'opinione pubblica e di commentare in diretta l'attualità.

Nicolas Maduro ha anche rilevato che le trasmissioni radiofoniche saranno disponibili anche sulle sue pagine nei social network, in modo da raggiungere un nuovo livello di comunicazione e interazione con i venezuelani.

Maduro ha anche riferito di aver creato una pagina personale su Facebookdove i suoi interventi possono essere letti in diverse lingue.

Since Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's warning in 2010 of the ever-expanding influence and numbers of house churches, the treatment of Christians has rapidly worsened. The regime tries to destroy those who reach out to converts and seekers by monitoring services, arresting converts, banning Farsi language services and closing some churches. Attacks against Christian communities have increased, and the prohibition of house church activities is enforced more strictly. Yet the regime's harsh treatment of Christians only further fuels the flames of church growth.

PRAY: Preaching, evangelism and publishing Christian books in the Farsi language is illegal. Pray for protection for those seeking to spread God's Word inside the country.

It is said that children of political and spiritual leaders are leaving Islam for Christianity. Pray that more Muslims will discover the truth of the gospel.

At least 40 Christians are in prison for their faith. Ask the Lord to sustain them.

Saudi Arabia. Christian Persecution in Saudi ArabiaThe open practice of any religion other than Islam is forbidden here, and conversion to another faith is punishable by death. Most Christians are ex-pats from Asia or Africa. During 2013, several Christian migrant fellowships were raided by police, and tens of worshippers detained and deported. Muslim-background believers run the risk of honor killing if their faith is discovered. Yet a small but growing number of Muslims are coming to Christ and sharing their faith on the internet and satellite TV.

PRAY: Widespread unemployment and increasing discontent amongst young people makes this a breeding ground for extremists. Ask God to halt the spread of extremist views.

That more Muslims will meet Jesus through satellite TV or dreams and visions of Jesus.

In 2013, two men were convicted of proselytizing, and were sentenced to a few hundred lashes and several years in prison. Pray for their release.

About Persecution

And you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22

Persecution is defined as a policy or campaign to exterminate, drive away, or subjugate a people because of their religion, race or beliefs. According to The Pew Research Center, almost 75% of the world's population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians.

So, who are the 75%? Where are Christians facing persecution?

Persecution occurs whenever believers are denied the protection of religious freedom, prevented from converting to Christianity because of legal or social threats, physically attacked or killed because of their faith, forced to leave their job or home because of the threat of violence, or imprisoned and interrogated, and often tortured for refusing to deny their faith.

Christians face persecution in more than 60 countries around the world. Each year, Open Doors ranks the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted in the annual World Watch List. You can learn more about Christians who are persecuted (and how you can help them) here at: http://www.worldwatchlist.us

It can be disheartening to learn that so many Christians are being persecuted for their faith. But it is key to remember that Christ was persecuted and suffered- to the point of death on the cross. He tells us that if we follow Him, we will be persecuted (John 15:18-21).

In 1 Corinthians 12:26, the apostle Paul talks about Christians (as the Body of Christ) facing persecution:

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together."

Though we may not face persecution, we are called to be united with the part of the Body of Christ that does face persecution daily. The most important way to unite with our brothers and sisters who do face persecution is through prayer.

Romans 15:30 says, "I urge you, brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me."

One Nigerian widow said, "I didn't know that anyone outside of Nigeria knew what was happening to us Christians. Now that I know that others are praying, I am greatly encouraged."

You can learn more about praying for persecuted Christians, and sign-up for free resources at:


*Definition from Random House Dictionary

Egypt Pressure is increasing both on Egypt's indigenous Coptic community and on those who come to faith from a Muslim background. Muslims who convert to Christianity have long faced persecution from family members, who punish them for abandoning the Islamic faith. But in recent years, Egypt's historical Christian communities have increasingly been targeted, as well. In August 2013, following the ousting of President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood was responsible for the burning of 38 churches and the damaging of 23 churches, in an upsurge in sectarian violence against Coptic Christians.

PRAY Muslim-background believers face severe limitations within their homes and extended families. Pray for strength to persevere despite the challenges.

Islam is gradually taking over the country's culture. Pray that Christians will have courage to continue to be a light to their nation.

For Egypt's political leaders. Pray that political and economic stability will be restored.

Christian Persecution in AfghanistanThe situation in the country remains unstable, and Islamic extremist groups continue to gain power. Christianity is still considered a 'Western' religion, and is seen as hostile to Afghan culture, society and Islam. Those who leave Islam are treated as apostates, and face huge pressures from family, society and local authorities. In September 2013, an Afghan MP called for the execution of converts to Christianity. There is no public church, even for ex-pats. Christian converts keep their faith secret, since any connection with Christianity is dangerous.


All Afghan Christians come from a Muslim background, and are at risk if their faith is discovered. Ask God to protect and encourage them.

The Taliban continues to threaten and attack Afghan citizens. Pray that their influence will diminish.

That the withdrawal of international forces in 2014 will not lead to a return to civil war.

Pakistan's Christians are caught in the crossfire between Islamic militant organizations that routinely target Christians, and an Islamizing culture that leaves Christians isolated from the rest of the population. The notorious blasphemy laws continue to have devastating consequences for minorities, including Christians. Women and girls from minority groups are particularly vulnerable, and sexual assaults against underage Christian girls by Muslim men continue to be reported. In September 2013, a twin bomb attack on Anglican All Saints Church in Peshawar left 89 people dead.


Many Christians who can afford to are leaving the country. Ask God to give His people courage to remain as a witness to their nation.

For the newly elected Prime Minister. Ask God to move him to take action to defend the rights of Christians and other minority groups.

For protection for young Christian girls who are particularly at risk of abduction or assault.

Nigeria 2014 - Nigeria

Christian Persecution in NigeriaLevels of violence against Christians in 2013 remained extremely high, with hundreds of cases of physical aggression, the destruction of nearly 300 churches and the death of 612 Nigerian Christians. Pentecostal leader, Rev. Faye Pama Musa, was shot dead by two suspected Boko Haram members. However, violence from this Islamic terrorist group is not the only form of persecution. Local government and social groups leave hardly any space for Christians to live their own lives; many Christian villages are denied basic facilities, such as wells and schools.

PRAY: For God's Spirit to be at work, comforting families who have suffered trauma or loss.

Thank God for the generous gifts of Open Doors supporters to widows and orphans.

For the protection of the Open Doors team as they take Bibles, relief and training to believers in need.

Catching Our Eye

Malatya murder suspects out of jail

As expected, the five men suspected of killing three Christians in Malatya, Turkey, nearly seven years ago have been released from jail as their trial continues.

The Malatya First High Criminal Court released the suspects March 8 in response to a new law, which took effect last week, that reduces the amount of time suspects awaiting trial can be held from 10 years to five. The Malatya murder suspects had been detained since the day of the killings in April 2007.

Radio Shema, a Christian broadcast ministry in Ankara, issued a statement March 11 saying the suspects are under house arrest and have been fitted with tracking beacons.

A verdict in the long-running trial is expected April 10.

Source: Today's Zaman

Kidnappers release Syrian nuns

A group of nuns kidnapped in Maaloula, Syria, in December were released early Monday, tired but unharmed.

"God did not leave us," Mother Pelagia Sayyaf, superior of the Mar Takla monastery in Maaloula, told news reporters after the nuns had been released to Syrian authorities as part of a prisoner exchange involving 150 women and children who had been held by the Syrian government.

Sayyaf said she and the other nuns and their attendants were well treated during their captivity in Lebanon. "The [al-Nusra] Front was good to us... but we took off our crosses because we were in the wrong place to wear them,'' she was quoted by the BBC as saying.

The al-Nursa Front, a jihadist group affiliated with al-Qaida, is believed to have abducted the women.

Source: BBC

'Allah' verdict postponed

Malaysia's Federal Court has reserved judgment on a Catholic newspaper's application to appeal against a ban on the use of the word 'Allah' in its publication.

In a case which started in 2008, The Herald appealed to the Federal Court after the Court of Appeal's Oct. 2013 decision to ban the newspaper from using the word to refer to the Christian God.

No date has been set for when the Federal Court will again consider its judgment.

The case has potential wider repercussions for all Christian publishing, although it is still not clear what implications any judgement might have for Christian worship and other practices in Malaysia.

Nigeria's churches will not stay silent during violence, leader says

Published: March 12, 2014

Boko Haram attacks continue in north, killing dozens

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Nigeria's largest church network is calling on the country's president for more protection from Boko Haram attacks.

The president, meanwhile, is calling for more prayer.

"We will not keep silence amidst persecution Christians are facing," Rev. Ayo Oritsejafor, president of the Christian Association of Nigeria, told World Watch Monitor on March 7.

"The killings in Northern Nigeria are condemnable and act of wickedness to humanity," Oritsejafor said. "It is unfortunate that worshippers are being killed in their homes and places of worship. We are not happy with this trend and will continue to pray to God to bring an end to this excruciating situation we are going through in Northern Nigeria."

Deadly attacks have been carried out on an almost daily basis in central and northern-eastern States of Nigeria. On the night of March 8, three churches were burnt down to ashes in an attack attributed to Boko Haram in Fota town, in the Gombi Local Government area of Adamawa state.

The attackers, suspected to be from the militant Islamic Boko Haram insurgency, also burnt down a police station and killed seven police men before moving to the churches, said Rev. Lawrence Dim, a Catholic priest in the area.

"Many of the people have fled the area, but [the attackers] burnt down three churches: there is EYN and LCCN Churches and one other church. They also injured some people and killed some," Dim told World Watch Monitor, though he did not estimate the number of victims.

On Feb. 26, at least 14 people were killed in coordinated attacks by heavily armed Boko Haram fighters on Kirchinga, Michika and Shuwa villages in Adamawa State. Many properties including three Catholic churches were set on fire. More than 400 were killed in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states in February.

In Central Nigeria, widely called the Middle belt, the predominantly Christian Berom community has sustained heavy lost following increasing attacks by suspected Fulani herdsmen.

Eighteen people, most of them women and children, were killed on March 4 and 5 in four villages — Dorok, Gwon, Gwarama, and Gwarim; all in the Riyom Local Government area of Plateau State. Among the victims were eight people of the same family. The assailants, wearing military-style uniforms and armed with sophisticated weapons, burnt more than 200 houses, churches and other places of prayer.

According to one survivor, who identified himself as Peter Daniel, the attackers vowed to annihilate residents who returned back to their villages.

Across Plateau state, at least 163 people have been killed in attacks by suspected Fulanis since the beginning of the year. Each wave of violence brings renewed criticism, from the Christian Association of Nigeria and other quarters, that Nigerian security forces are not doing enough to stop the killings.

Of Nigeria's estimated 160 million people, about 70 million are Christians. The CAN is their most representative umbrella group, comprising notably five major denominational groups: the Catholic Church in Nigeria, the Christian Council of Nigeria, the Christian Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, the Organization of African Instituted Churches, and the Evangelical Church Winning All.

Rev. Oritsejafor, the CAN president, appealed to government and security agencies to be proactive towards protecting lives and properties, and to prosecute the perpetrators.

On Feb. 5, Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan sacked his army chiefs, replacing them with new generals with orders to crush Boko Haram. More recently, a presidential spokesman acknowledged the conflict with Boko Haram is a "war situation" and that the army is dealing with a "serious enemy."

On March 9, President Goodluck Jonathan called for more prayer to defeat the insurgency.

"We need more prayers to end terrorism. With prayers and the measures put in place, we will surmount the challenges", the president said in a speech at the opening session of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, in Abuja, the federal capital.

The government's inability to put down the Islamist surge has raised widespread criticism from religious and political leaders. Violence is expected only to increase as federal elections scheduled for February 2015 approach.

The 2011 election Jonathan, a Christian from Nigeria's south, prompted unprecedented violence across the largely Muslim north in which at least 170 Christians were killed, hundreds were injured and thousands displaced, and more than 350 churches were burned or destroyed by mobs.

Is conflict in Nigeria really about persecution of Christians by radical Muslims? Published: June 24, 2013

New report coincides with President's claim: 'More Muslims than Christians killed'.

St Rita's Catholic Church in Kaduna, north-central Nigeria, after a suicide bomb attack in October 2012.St Rita's Catholic Church in Kaduna, north-central Nigeria, after a suicide bomb attack in October 2012.

World Watch Monitor

Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan was reported last week to have said that statistics show that more Muslims than Christians have been killed by Boko Haram.

Speaking at his Presidential villa in the capital at the opening meeting of the Honorary International Investors' Council, led by UK Baroness Lynda Chalker (a former Secretary of State for International Development), he is reported to have said: "Initially, people thought the insurgency is about religious issues, but the pattern of attacks shows clearly that it has nothing to do with religion. Just as there are threats to churches, so also there are threats to mosques.

"They attack everywhere, killing Muslims and Christians. Even more Muslims have died in the conflict than Christians have. So the groups, whether political or whatever interest have external influence, considering the issues of Al Qaeda.

"Basically, it goes beyond religious issues. They are terrorists that have decided to destabilise the country for some reasons, sometimes it could be Western influence, governance issues and so on. They are terror groups that are not representing any religion."

The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has refuted his assertion. Its spokesman Sunday Oibe responded: "Our attention has been drawn to a purported claim by President Goodluck Jonathan that the Boko Haram insurgents in the north have killed more Muslims than Christians and that it is not a religious issue.

"The purported statement by Mr. President is highly disappointing considering the fact that Christians and their churches and businesses have been the major targets of the Boko Haram terror group.

"We want to believe that the President was misquoted… If it is true that Mr. President actually made this assertion, then we are highly disappointed and sad at this veiled attempt to distort the facts as it concerns the activities of the Boko Haram sect.

Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan during 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Australia.Nigeria President Goodluck Jonathan during 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Australia.

"We say this because there has never been any bomb that has been exploded in any mosque or targeted at any mosque in the entire activities of the Boko Haram sect in the north. The Boko Haram members even said that when a Muslim is killed, it is by mistake".

A new paper, produced for the World Watch List by a Nigerian researcher who prefers to remain anonymous for security reasons, argues that the situation in Nigeria is a classic example of what could be referred to as persecution eclipse.

This is a situation, writes the author, whereby persecution and civil conflict overlap to the extent that the former is in a real or imaginative sense overshadowed or rendered almost invisible by the latter.

The paper argues that persecution eclipse minimises, overlooks or denies the suffering of a victim of persecution; encourages a causal analysis that provides vicarious justifications for the perpetrators' actions; shifts the focus of interrogation from religious freedom violations to conflict analysis; and embraces an instrumental view of conflict in which religion assumes an insignificant place in the analysis.

The concept of persecution eclipse is proposed to show how religious freedom itself can become a casualty in a situation where genuine persecution becomes lost in a murky debate.

The author distinguishes two broad categories of persecution that Christians in northern Nigeria experience: insidious persecution (typified by the daily experiences of harassment, exclusion and discrimination of many Christian minorities in the region) and elevated persecution, a more lethal form of persecution, based on outright violence.

"The majority of conflicts reported in international media as 'clashes' between Muslims and Christians in actual fact have been one-sided violence against Christians."

--World Watch List

The author claims that insidious persecution has been occurring for years, and that while elevated persecution used to be sporadic, it has become entrenched very visibly in recent years.

Civil unrest obscures religious persecution and can itself be a vehicle for persecution, the author claims, through its negative impact on the stability of society and the way it encourages Islamist groups to violently pursue their religious agenda.

"Inter-religious conflicts [relating to] the struggle over power and resources are endemic in Nigeria," writes the author. "These conflicts have been used as vehicles to pursue the objectives of persecution and to widen its scope. In order to misinform the outside world, perpetrators have learned to invent narratives that conceal the nexus between persecution and conflict, and engage in propaganda using mainstream and social media."

Another dimension of this misinformation, he argues, is that "the majority of the incidents of conflicts that have been reported in the international media as 'clashes' between Muslims and Christians in actual fact have been one-sided violence against Christians."

This report makes many interesting observations, but it doesn't investigate them in depth. However, the author has laid the groundwork for a more detailed investigation, on which others can build.

N. Korea to execute 33 for missionary work

Published: March 10, 2014

Government claims they were building a network of underground churches

A 2009 photo of a North Korean women's prison camp, near the border with Dandong, China.A 2009 photo of a North Korean women's prison camp, near the border with Dandong, China.

Courtesy Open Doors International

North Korea has ordered the death of as many as 33 people because of their alleged contact with a missionary, South Korea's largest news organization has reported.

The 33 North Koreans are charged with attempting to overthrow the regime by setting up 500 underground churches, according to the South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo, which cited an unnamed source. The newspaper said they are accused of working with Kim Jung-wook, a South Korean arrested by North Korean authorities in October on suspicion of trying to establish underground churches.

The executions will be carried out in a secret location administered by the State Security Department, Chosun Ilbo reported.

Kim, a Baptist missionary, appeared on North Korean television on Feb. 27 and said he was working at the direction of the South Korean National Intelligence Service, and that his goal was the collapse of the Pyongyang regime. It's unknown whether Kim's TV appearance will earn his release.

During the same television broadcast, North Korean authorities showed recorded interviews with five North Koreans who said Kim had provided money to them, Chosun Ilbo reported. The news agency did not say whether the five shown on the broadcast were among the 33 who had been arrested. It did report, however, that they said Kim vowed, after toppling the regime, to build a church on the Pyongyang spot where today a statue of North Korean founder Kim Il-sung stands.

It's not known how many of the 33 arrested people are Christian.

Kim was arrested in the North last October for allegedly establishing underground churches. Chosun Ilbo cited an unnamed source from China as saying North Korean agents kidnapped Kim in the border city of Dandong, China, and took him into North Korea.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has ordered "unclean elements" from the country. Last year, his uncle and mentor Jang Song-Thaek was executed. Jang's children, brothers and grandchildren were killed shortly thereafter.

The sentencing of the 33 North Koreans came a day after Australian missionary John Short arrived in China after being detained for several weeks in North Korea for leaving Christian pamphlets in a Buddhist temple. North Korea's state news agency, KCNA, said Short had apologised and admitted violating North Korean laws. According to KCNA, North Korea expelled Short, 75, partly in consideration of his age.

American missionary Kenneth Bae remains imprisoned in North Korea following his November 2012 arrest while leading a tour group. Prosecutors alleged Bae was planning a coup by setting up bases in China, encouraging North Korean citizens to bring down the government, and waging a smear campaign. Despite apparent ill health and diplomatic pressure to release him, Bae continues to serve a 15-year sentence.

"The ashes whirled over the road we walked every day. Each time my feet crunched, I thought: 'One day the other prisoners will walk over me.' "

--North Korean refugee and former labor-camp prisoner

Christians estimated to number in the tens of thousands are held in North Korea's prisons and labor camps. Last week, one survivor of a three-year interment described to World Watch Monitor the conditions of the camp where she was imprisoned. Her name is being withheld because of her fears that the North Korean government might retaliate against family still living in the North.

The woman said she and several others were arrested a decade ago for fleeing North Korea, and were returned to North Korea and sent to prison.

"These escapees betrayed me and told the police I had taught the Bible to them," the woman told World Watch Monitor. "I had been beaten during the first interrogations, but now the torture became worse. The guards put a rod between my knees and pushed me down. I told God I could not take the torture anymore and prayed He would guard my lips so I would not deny Him."

After almost a year in different prisons, the woman was sent to a labor camp for nearly three years.

"The walls of our barracks were bloodstained, because we killed as many fleas and lice as we could," she said. "We received only a few spoons of rotten corn meal each. The soup we ate was usually just dirty water. If we were thirsty and wanted extra water, we needed to steal it from the nearby stream, which was polluted by the garbage of the guards."

The death rate was so high that bodies stacked up outside the crematorium, she said.

"Sometimes, they rotted for days in sheds before they were disposed or burnt. The ashes whirled over the road we walked every day. Each time my feet crunched, I thought: 'One day the other prisoners will walk over me.' "

If there were other Christians in the camp, they didn't reveal themselves.

"Nobody spoke about their faith in the camp," the woman said. "Besides, I was lucky enough to be sent to a re-education camp, and I was eventually released. Most Christians are put in so-called total-control zones. Political labor camps.

"Nobody is ever released from there." Anti-religion hostility rose worldwide in 2012, study says Published: January 15, 2014. Growth most rapid in North Africa, Middle East on reddit More Sharing Services9

The world became generally more hostile to religious believers of all faiths, Christianity included, in 2012, according to a major annual report issued Jan. 14.

Christians were harassed in more countries than followers of other faiths, though pressure on Muslims and Jews was widespread globally, according to the study, conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based Pew Research Center.

The report, now in its sixth year, measures constraints on religious freedom in two major categories: social hostilities and government restrictions. It surveys conditions in 198 countries, encompassing 99 per cent of the world's population.

Social Hostilities

A third of the world's countries had high measures of social hostilities in 2012, the highest level recorded in the study's six-year history. Pew defines social hostilities as ranging from terrorism and mob violence to harassment over religious attire.

Nearly half of all countries reported abuse of religious minorities by individuals or groups who took offense at, or felt threatened by, the minority. In the first year of the study, less than a quarter of all countries reported such abuse.

Violence, or the threat of it, against religious minorities to enforce religious norms was reported in 39 per cent of countries, compared to 33 per cent a year earlier and 18 per cent in the first year of the study.

The report said 2012 growth of social hostilities was especially rapid in Northern Africa and the Middle East, and was highest in Pakistan.

Government restrictions

High rates of official limits on religion were found in 29 per cent of the countries, about the same as the previous year. Pew examines 20 indicators of government control, including bans on specific faiths, restrictions on conversions, and preferential treatment to certain religions, among others.

Increases were detected among several of those 20 measures. Government limits on worship were citied in 74 per cent of countries, up from 69 per cent in 2011. Restrictions on public preaching were found in 38 per cent of countries, up from 31 per cent. And government force, such as arrest and prosecution, was documented in 48 per cent of the world's countries, up from 41 per cent.

Egypt ranked highest on the report's list of government restrictions.

Taking both categories — government restrictions and social hostility — into account, high levels of overall religious restrictions were reported in 43 per cent of the world's countries, the highest ever recorded by Pew. In all, three-quarters of the world's population lives under high levels of restrictions, according to the report.

The Christian experience

The Pew Center report concerns itself with all religions, not Christianity alone. It did say, however, that Christians in 2012 were harassed in more countries, 110, than any other single religion. Muslims were harassed in 109, and Jews, 71. Since the report began in 2007, Christian harassment has been reported in 151 countries, and harassment of Muslims in 135.

About the report

The Pew report released Tuesday covers 2012. It doesn't take into account momentous developments in 2013, such as the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi from Egypt's presidency and the subsequent violence against Coptic churches across Egypt; or the anarchy and deadly Muslim-Christian violence in the Central African Republic; or the continued exodus of Christians from Syria and much of the Middle East; or the bombings in Peshawar, Pakistan, that killed scores of Christians.

Pew also excludes North Korea from its study, citing the inability to obtain reliable data from, or about, the reclusive country.

Data for the report is drawn from 18 public information sources, most published by national governments, the United Nations, European Union, and non-government human-rights organizations.

ISLAMABAD, 12. Ancora sangue sulla campagna antipolio in Pakistan. Ieri due poliziotti, che faceva da scorta ad alcuni volontari impegnati nelle vaccinazioni, sono stati uccisi in un'imboscata tesa da un gruppo di miliziani. L'attacco è stato compiuto nella città di Dera Ismail Khan, nel nord-ovest del

Paese. Come hanno riferito fonti locali, gli agenti stavano ritornando da un servizio di scorta a un team di volontari che avevano vaccinato Pakistan uccisi due agenti che scortavano i volontari Ancora sangue sulla campagna antipolio i bambini di un villaggio quando sono stati attaccati da un gruppo di uomini armati. Gli assalitori si sono poi dileguati. Il Pakistan, insieme all'Afghanistan e alla Nigeria, è uno dei tre Paesi nel mondo in cui la poliomielite non è stata ancora debellata. Secondo le stime fornite dall'organizzazione mondiale della sanità (Oms), nel 2013 sono stati registrati

novantuno casi di contagio in Pakistan, soprattutto nei territori tribali del nord-ovest: nel 2012 i casi riscontrati erano stati cinquantotto. Le vaccinazioni sono fortemente ostacolate dai talebani che anche su questo fronte intendono, con attacchi e imboscate, bloccare i progressi del Paese minandone il tessuto umano e sociale. I primi di marzo i miliziani avevano compiuto un altro attacco contro gli operatori della campagna antipolio, nel distretto di Khyber: undici poliziotti che facevano da scorta e un bambino erano rimasti uccisi.

Intelligence Afghana. sotto attacco KABUL, 12. Una base dell'intelligence

afghana a Kandahar, nel sud del Paese, è stata attaccata questa mattina da un gruppo di miliziani. Tre attentatori suicidi (indossavano giubbotti con

esplosivi) hanno assaltato il compound, tentando di entrare nella base, ma sono stati bloccati dalle forze di sicurezza locali. I tre attentatori sono stati uccisi prima che potessero raggiungere il loro obiettivo, hanno affermato, in un comunicato, fonti della base dell'intelligence. Ieri era stato ucciso in pieno giorno a Kabul, con un colpo alla testa, un giornalista svedese, Nils Horner, 51 anni: lavorava come corrispondente per la radio nazionale svedese. Un testimone ha raccontato di aver sentito un colpo di pistola e di aver visto due persone allontanarsi di corsa. Il giornalista era esperto di zone di guerra. Era già stato in Afghanistan per reportage sulla caduta del regime talebano nel 2001. Aveva lavorato anche in Iraq nel 2003, per seguire l'evoluzione del conflitto. Questa mattina l'omicidio del giornalista è stato rivendicato dal gruppo talebano denominato Fidai Mahaz.

Do Pakistani Taliban need an accord with the government?

The truce declared by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan in early March and the reported negotiations with the Pakistani authorities once again raise the old questions : Is it possible to negotiate with terrorists, whosoever they might be?

Is not the truce just a tactical move aimed at giving respite toTaliban to regroup and launch a new offensive? Anyway, there is no reason to believe that they are willing to renounce forever the old methods of terrorist activities.

At the beginning of this week, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Pakistan sent a letter to the heads of police departments of several provinces and the capital Islamabad. The letter cautions that the Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda have found a new target for terrorist attack, viz., the former President Pervez Musharraf, whose case on charges of treason is now being heard in court.

This comes amid seemingly incipient negotiations between the government and the Taliban. In early March, the Taliban announced a ceasefire, and last week Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif even had breakfast with representatives of the movement, which created a mixed reaction in the community, to put it mildly, says Boris Volkhonsky, expert at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies.

The main question that should be answered for evaluating what is happening at present is: how sincere are the Pakistani Taliban in their desire to end the violence, and is the truce and the start of negotiations not just a tactical move giving them the necessary breathing space before a new offensive? In addition, there is still no answer to another important question: to what extent do the leaders of the Taliban who declared their readiness to begin negotiations control the heterogeneous groups united under the "Taliban" umbrella?

The answers to these questions are rather disappointing. The very next day after the announcement of the truce, terrorists carried out a bloody attack in Islamabad that killed 11 people. This means that either the Taliban are not sincere in their desire for peace, or their leaders do not control the entire movement. Threats addressed to former President Musharraf can also be explained easily. General Musharraf, who had a reputation of being a fairly strong-arm leader, waged an uncompromising struggle against them. During his presidency the question about any negotiations with the terrorists did not even arise. And this terrorist movement has gained its current strength over the years of rule by perhaps the weakest leader in the history of Pakistan - Asif Ali Zardari.

The current Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who "inherited" the strengthened Taliban from his predecessor, found himself in a very difficult position, says Boris Volkhonsky. Levers of the power of pressure, which were in the hands of Musharraf, do not work so effectively now, and he has to resort to pacification, like it or not. But as the experience of the whole world shows, concessions to terrorists rarely lead to positive results. Often they only inflame and whet their appetites.

Of course, as the old adage goes, a bad peace is better than a good war. But if you look at the real business of the Pakistani Taliban and not at their peaceful declarations, we come to a disappointing conclusion. Apparently, they only need truce in order to create the appearance of willingness to participate in the political process. Nobody is thinking about renouncing terrorist methods as of now.

Jihadist International Is Coming

The extremist anti-government group "Jabhat al-Nusra" in Syria has merged with the group "Islamic State of Iraq" related to Al-Qaeda. This was stated by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Iraqi militants. In his audio announcement, he says that the two groups will fight under the same name, the "Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham".

Jabhat al-Nusra, which is based on foreign mercenaries, is known for its terrorism and violence against civilians. Earlier this group was only suspected of having connections with the Iraqi Al Qaeda. Now these connections are an ascertained fact.

It is particularly remarkable that the U.S has officially put both the Iraqi and Syrian groups on the list of terrorist groups. In words, the Western politicians condemn the methods used by the militants but in fact the Islamic extremists and the West are once again acting as allies, according to the analyst Evgeny Ermolaev.

"Recently, there was a great deal of talk in the West about the growing influence of jihadist groups connected with Al-Qaeda, not only in Syria but also in other Middle East countries. Even a catchy phrase "jihadist axis of evil" was coined in analogy with the "axis of evil", with which George W. Bush, Jr. associated Iraq, Iran and North Korea. Later, Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton added Cuba, Libya, and Syria to this axis. This verbal construction was purely a propaganda. The idea was to justify U.S. actions against states that were not acceptable to them.

Jihadist "axis of evil" is not a fabrication but a real phenomenon. However, America fights against this phenomenon only in words. That is at least strange for the government that declared the "global war on terror." In fact, the Iraqi or the Syrian rebels do not suffer any inconvenience from being included in the "black list". And this is despite the fact that everyone knows an approximate list of countries from which money for the gunmen can come. It is not difficult to track these cash flows, if desired, especially when the countries involved in this are close partners of the United States. The same can be said of the arms supply. However, the "war on terror", which previously the United States waged extremely selectively, disappears at all in the case of Syria. This fact confirms once more that the West and the Islamic extremist groups are again allies. And the militants, who like to call themselves "jihadists", are again leading the jihad for American interests in the region.

However, in recent weeks the European security services have openly expressed their anxiety over potential threats from jihadist mercenaries fighting in Syria. Is a split about to happen in the West over the tactics in Syria?

Victor Nadein-Raevskii, an expert, says:

The jihadist groups included in the "axis of evil" are interested not only and not so much in the expansion towards non-Muslim, for example, European countries. At this stage, their main goal is the Arab-ruled regimes. Not all, but those on which the finger is pointed as a permitted object. The jihadists consider the Arab regimes that are helping extremists as allies for the time being. Like the West, with which jihadists are now united by the common goals.

But this is a short-sighted policy of the sponsors of the jihadists. The history of the "terrorist empire of Osama bin Laden" has already demonstrated this. Intoxicated by blood and easy money, zealot extremists easily cross the limits initially set by their sponsors. This transforms them from a regional to a global problem. In recent past, the West has had to declare a "global war" against its former allies, who transgressed the outlined boundaries.

Now the history repeats itself, and it seems that the Europeans have begun to understand it. But the mechanism of Western support to jihadists is already running at such high speed that it is difficult to stop it. The Americans, at least, are not in a hurry to stop it.

As a result, the "jihadist international" is growing before our eyes. And it is hard to believe that the West and the conservative Arab regimes can limit the area of its influence to Syria alone, just as they were not able to confine the "al-Qaeda" in the borders of Afghanistan earlier. Consolidation of extremist networks of Syria and Iraq is only the first signal of major problems emerging for the world in future.

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